What made you become a stylist?

  • I found myself at a crossroads in life. I have always been driven to help people and thought I had chosen the right path. I was very unhappy with my career choices back then and hair was something that I was always passionate about. People would often see me and ask if I was a stylist, and then one day it clicked and I thought to myself… “ Why am I not!?” From that point on I fanned those flames and have not worked a day since!

What’s your favorite product line?

  • I love so many diverse products from many different lines but if I have to pick one I would say R+Co! I love that many of their products have thermal protection built in. So many people don’t understand what that simple gesture can do for them.

What hair tool can’t you live without?

  • I would have to say my Babyliss clippers! When you’re trying to get that seamless fade you can’t use second rate clippers.

What’s your favorite service to provide to a client?

  • Vivid fashion colors! Something about an everyday person coming to me and allowing me to bring out their brightest, most beautiful version really feeds my soul!

Is there anything that you specialize in?

  • Rainbows! I love anything and everything colorful! It has been something that I have been doing for half of my life and it is what I hope to do everyday.

How do you keep up with the latest hair trends?

  • I am always keeping my ear to the ground for subtle hints to what the next trend will be. Many times the fashion and music industry can lead you in the right direction. Trends tend to circle back around and can often correlate with what is important to society as a whole at that time! Stay alert and open to the next big thing. Growth is a must!

What do you like best about being a stylist?

  • I love the feelings of excitement that I get from my clients! Knowing the journey that they are embarking on and being the professional that is skilled enough to take them there. Giving someone everyday confidence is truly one of the greatest blessings! If someone feels beautiful and worthy it shows through in everything they do!

How has working at STUDIO VASI changed your business?

  • It has changed the entire dynamic of my business. Having a clean and safe space where you are able to provide the best work and lean on others when you need to grow is everything! You can put the best stylist in the world in a toxic environment and they will never be their best version. Having people who understand the holistic approach to success and careers has helped me to let go of the mindset that I have a limit! As far as I am concerned, there is no limit to the amount of success you can build if your intention and support is strong! 

What is your favorite thing about STUDIO VASI?

  • My tribe! Every person behind those scenes is a true light in my life! We laugh, cry and uplift each other. It isn’t anything forced either. They are that way because it’s who they genuinely are! I love how diverse we all are but at the end of the day we move together forward!

What is your favorite memory from your journey? When did it feel like you caught your big break?

  • My favorite memory so far has to be the day I won my scholarship to hair school. I was standing on stage under bright lights, exhausted from a crazy day of hair, makeup and nerves, while my family watched in the crowd, and they called my name! I just remember hearing my mom screaming at the top of her lungs in a choked up voice! My son got to see me that day and realize that you can do ANYTHING you set your heart on. That meant a lot to me.

  • I felt I had my big break at the 2019  Premiere Columbus. I took home 1st place in the student fairytale competition and it awoke something in me that will always remain. I have always been an artist at heart and to combine that with my passion for hair and makeup is everything! It proved to me that I could do it. Before that I had given myself a level of success and convinced myself that that was the furthest I could ever go. I learned that day that my only limit is the one I choose!

Is there anyone in the industry or beyond that you really admire, or someone who inspires you in your career?

  • I really admire my boss! He has shown me that you can make it in the industry and still be real. Sometimes I have caught myself fearing success and worrying that for as much as it gives me it will also take away what makes me who I am. Thanks to him I know that that is not the case! He has tremendous amounts of amazing success and he is surrounded and submerged in a world that is often viewed as more superficial and yet he remains humble and inspired! He has never made me feel small or less than. There are too many solo artists in the industry to name but I love seeing anyone who strays away from the norm. I admire people who seek out the trends rather than waiting to jump on the train! Authenticity speaks volumes in my book! I really like madeyewlook. Lex is a very real and extremely talented body painter!

How do you define a “success” after a client leaves your salon?

  • To me a success after a client leaves my chair is them telling me how great they felt with their new look. I love getting those clients that you find a great connection with. At the end of the service they turn to say goodbye and you can see them reflecting on what just happened. There's a heartfelt “thank you” that is about so much more than the great hair! Seeing the loving comments on their posts from other people. I have even received messages from a clients significant other thanking me and telling me how happy and confident they have been feeling since our time together. My success is based on the happiness of others and that is a really great experience!

What’s your favorite way to unwind after work?

  • I love listening to great music, putting on a face mask and doing a healthy balance of mindful meditation and hair videos!! Lol I can’t help it! I really try to carve out time to reset. You give so much of yourself on a daily basis that the recharge is just as important!

Do you have any kids or animals?

  • I have an amazing 12 year old son and a beautiful 13 year old step daughter! They keep me young and age me at the same time! I also have 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs!  They all demand a great deal of my undivided love!

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure to indulge?

  •  I love chocolate of any kind and old movies! Audrey Hepburn is a queen!

How do you manage work-life balance?

  • It takes a lot of planning and prep work but I try to designate certain days to personal tasks and to always carve out some time to have fun with my family! We love to be outdoors and spend a great deal of our free time just decompressing and going for walks.

What’s next for your career?

  • I am still in the beginning stages of my career but my big plan is to do hair and makeup on Broadway and possibly runway as well! I always want to remain behind the chair too so balance will be key when I arrive!

What advice would you give your younger self?

  • Don’t make decisions based on what you think you should do. Follow your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you they are wrong. No one is getting up and going to work for you! This is your life girl, live it!

What’s your favorite Starbucks drink?

  • Any black cold brew!